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Nothing compares to products that make you feel delicious inside and out. Let's go beyond bubbles

Nicole Salter
May 6, 20223 min read
Aloe Season Is Here!
Earlier this week, we got our first order of the season for aloe vera sun gel. Since Toronto temperatures have been fickle at best and...

Nicole Salter
Jun 24, 20213 min read
Product Recalls, Toxic Beauty and a Ray of Hope on The Horizon
When makeup and hand sanitizer are found to be unsafe, you do have alternatives

Nicole Salter
Apr 28, 20213 min read
When Mask Irritation Gets Physical
Mask, gloves, soap, scrubs...the new routine can be irritating. But what do you do when your mask causes actual skin problems?

Nicole Salter
Jan 8, 20214 min read
Disinfectant or Cleanser - What's Best for Your Home?
To all my flower children: turns out essential oils are no match for nasty viruses like COVID. Here's when to bust out the Lysol.

Nicole Salter
Apr 22, 20205 min read
Self-Care, Pandemic Edition
Everything is harder than it used to be, so now is the perfect time to be gentle with ourselves. Long hot baths optional.

Nicole Salter
Mar 18, 20203 min read
Flies in the Vaseline, we are
I handed a natural vegan lip balm to someone the other day and he said 'What, is this, like, Vaseline or something?' No, comma, it is not.

Nicole Salter
Nov 7, 20192 min read
The Buzz about Bee Pollen
Bee pollen has been touted as a superfood for years now, but is it ethical to use bee pollen? And, what does it do for your skin?

Nicole Salter
Sep 8, 20192 min read
Natural Beauty Hacks From Around the World
You've heard of natural DIY face masks like yogurt and honey, but natural beauty gets a whole lot weirder

Nicole Salter
Jul 16, 20192 min read
Trippin: Travel Essentials for Keeping it Clean
Recently at the Brickworks, a lovely couple came up to me and said they had brought a single bar of our handmade soap to Australia, where...

Nicole Salter
Jun 24, 20192 min read
Sleeping Beauty: How to Sleep for Healthy Skin
I have never been able to sleep. Since childhood, nightmares and light, toss-and-turn sleeping have conspired to keep me awake, but it's...

Nicole Salter
May 10, 20193 min read
Can You Use Shea Butter as Sunscreen? And Other Burning Summer Beauty Questions
Is that sun we're seeing? Barely...but as every Toronto dweller knows, it can turn from chilly and grim to beautiful and warm on a dime!...

Nicole Salter
Apr 29, 20193 min read
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Hydrosol
This weekend I made a beautiful, fragrant foaming facewash for a colleague of mine, and when I pulled out the Neroli floral water that...

Nicole Salter
Feb 24, 20193 min read
Naturally derived vs. Non-Toxic vs. Cruelty-Free vs. Organic: A Simple Breakdown
Perhaps I should have said 'a nervous breakdown' for anyone who can relate to standing in a drug store or health food store aisle with a...

Nicole Salter
Jan 29, 20193 min read
Have You Considered Natural Lube?
Valentine's Day isn't the only time for lovin. One year we talked about roses, but now we're talking about LUBE! Okay, okay, this is...

Nicole Salter
Jan 20, 20194 min read
I use organic lip balm and my lips are still chapped - why??
Remember the days when all lip balm was called Chapstick and everyone had one in their pocket, the cap all rimed with dirt, and you...

Nicole Salter
Jan 2, 20194 min read
Plastic: Our Love-Hate Relationship
Admit it...are you one of the people who still wishes people a Happy New Year even though it's already February? I do this, especially...

Nicole Salter
Oct 26, 20184 min read
Safest Cosmetics for Children
Tonight my daughter will be going to the spa. Yes, she only just turned 6, but this is not her first kick at the spa can. Ever since the...

Nicole Salter
Oct 5, 20184 min read
Foot Care Basics: Caring for Tired Tootsies
I was once stuck in an elevator at work with 11 other people for 55 minutes. Apart from being really, really hot, really frustrated...

Nicole Salter
Sep 21, 20184 min read
Coconut Oil: Your big hairy questions, answered
Everyone has jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon in recent years, touting it as the perfect thing to slather on your face/toast/hair and...

Nicole Salter
Aug 24, 20183 min read
Beauty industry jargon: The Ugly Truth
So you are standing there in the drugstore aisle reading labels, because you know you are supposed to do that, and you see all kinds of...
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