How to Beat Dry Skin This Winter
Updated: Nov 4, 2021
Dry're so naughty! The good news is that we don't have to let chapped, cracked skin stand in the way of enjoying the outdoors this season - or the indoors, either. Go ahead, throw another log on the fire or step outside into the biting wind...we've got you.

5 Dry Skin Hacks to Beat Dry Skin
Whether your skin is always dry or just in the winter, there is lots you can do to restore and maintain its natural moisture.
1. Get a humidifier. There's a reason why your skin reacts by drying out and flaking in the winter but not so much in the summer; in the northeast, summers are humid. The increased moisture in the hot summer air prevents our skin from drying out, but in winter, humidity plunges as indoor heat rises; the lack of water in the air takes its toll on our skin. Stay very well hydrated and increase hydration from the outside in with a humidifier, which adds much-needed moisture to the air. Bonus: moister air can make breathing easier for people with asthma and even the common cold.
2. Exfoliate. It may seem counterintuitive to scrub dry skin. But layers of dead skin could actually be preventing your moisturizer from penetrating past the surface. Use a loofah with your soap or better yet, a good scrub that's comprised of granular (sugar, salt) suspended in a rich, skin-loving oil, and you'll be taking care of two problems at once. You can also put your natural moisturizing soap bar in a sisal pouch for more scrubbing.
3. Stay wet. Apply your moisturizer when your skin is still damp, not bone-dry, to achieve better penetration.

4. Use a detergent-free body wash. Everyone loves loads of lather, but be sure to get it the natural way with a mesh bath pouf and a body wash that doesn't contain SLS or SLES - the harsh surfactants that make cleansers extra bubbly, but dry out skin in the process.
5. Seal in the moisture. Don't be afraid to use products that create a barrier against cold winds and radiator heat: Vaseline, we're talking to you. Don't want to use a petroleum product? Look for natural skin care products and lip balms that contain natural barrier waxes, like beeswax or carnauba wax.
Natural Skin Care that Kicks Dry Skin to the Curb
Besides what we've already addressed, how to prevent dry skin this winter? It's easier than you think. Instead of adopting a 'major behaviour change' mindset, think 'small tweaks to what I'm already doing'. At, we don't make products that don't work, so you can buy with confidence and start substituting more natural products for the ones you may be currently using. Then say goodbye to scaly winter skin and say hello to soft, moisturized skin.
Here are our natural skin care favourites from SaltZ&Co that will help you kick dry skin to the curb.
Problem: Dry, reactive skin on the face.
Solution: Apply the Dead Sea Mud Mask as part of your facial care regimen, once a week. This mud is highly mineralized and helps balance your skin so it doesn't overreact to dryness by over-producing oil and breaking out.
Problem: Chapped, cracked lips.
Solution: Our all-natural Cranberry Orange lip balm in the stick has more beeswax than our glosses that come in pots - that's more of a barrier against the cold, dry air.

Problem: Super dry feet.
Solution: Foot Butter. We tend to notice those calluses and cracked heels more when we're in flip-flops, but they're still there int he winter. Apply the Melting Peppermint Foot Balm before bed, then throw on a pair of old socks over it to protect your sheets and use your body heat to help the rich shea butter and coconut oil penetrate to soften feet.
Problem: Dry skin patches bordering on eczema.
Solution: Our cocoa butter balm was originally developed for scars and stretch marks, but it works wonders on dry patches.
Problem: Painfully dry, red, itchy skin.
Solution: Wash hands with soap and water as much as possible rather than using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Apply the luscious, thick and fluffy Hand and Body Butter to soften and protect hands further.
With some or all of these hacks in your arsenal, you and your skin will surely make it through another harsh Canadian winter intact! Let us know your favourite tip for keeping skin moist, soft and hydrated this winter.