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Nothing compares to products that make you feel delicious inside and out. Let's go beyond bubbles

Nicole Salter
Jan 8, 20214 min read
Disinfectant or Cleanser - What's Best for Your Home?
To all my flower children: turns out essential oils are no match for nasty viruses like COVID. Here's when to bust out the Lysol.

Nicole Salter
Nov 7, 20192 min read
The Buzz about Bee Pollen
Bee pollen has been touted as a superfood for years now, but is it ethical to use bee pollen? And, what does it do for your skin?

Nicole Salter
Jul 16, 20192 min read
Trippin: Travel Essentials for Keeping it Clean
Recently at the Brickworks, a lovely couple came up to me and said they had brought a single bar of our handmade soap to Australia, where...

Nicole Salter
Feb 11, 20192 min read
Stop! My soap is getting mushy
One of the questions I always get at live markets is, how do I keep my soap from getting all mushy? And also, is your soap specifically,...

Nicole Salter
Jul 20, 20183 min read
It's a soap! It's a shampoo! No, it's a shampoo bar
You've come across them in your feed, on your friend's Pinterest board and at your favourite natural foods store - the fabled shampoo...

Nicole Salter
Jun 15, 20183 min read
Coming Clean on Deodorant Soap
Father's Day is this Sunday, and around the world, millions of fathers are going to receive some kind of grooming instruments, tools or...

Nicole Salter
Mar 22, 20184 min read
Non-comedogenic: An industry term to watch out for
My close friends often know what new natural beauty products I'm working on before anyone else does. And they can usually tell by the...

Nicole Salter
Mar 16, 20183 min read
Charcoal, the skin care ingredient on everyone's lips
Judging by all the black smiles on Facebook, we're turning into a nation obsessed with... a) Victorian England b) Childish grafitti c)...

Nicole Salter
Feb 17, 20184 min read
Your top bath and body care questions, answered
When should you add bath salts, to a full tub or under the running water as the tub is filling? Should you rinse your face in cold water...

Nicole Salter
Jan 24, 20183 min read
The Rose: A flower with a world of meaning
When February 14th approaches, people the world over will be primed to get - and give - masses of roses, preferably the blood red kind....

Nicole Salter
Oct 7, 20172 min read
Tips and Tricks for Fall Bathroom Decor
The bathroom is an easy room to overlook when it comes to decorating. But let's face it: with your wonderful new Fall-inspired bath...

Nicole Salter
Sep 28, 20173 min read
Essential Oil Profile: Fragrant Cedarwood
Are you the type to drape cedar boughs around the handrails and mantel come Christmastime? If you love the long-lasting smell of cedar,...

Nicole Salter
Sep 7, 20174 min read
5 Natural, Effective Ways to Treat Acne
Okay, you dealt with acne when you were younger, but that's all over now, right? Until you inexplicably get a breakout. We all experience...

Nicole Salter
Aug 28, 20172 min read
The inside dirt on glycerin soap
"Oh, I really hate this harsh glycerin soap, it totally dries out my skin,"...said no one ever! You've probably heard of glycerin soap...

Nicole Salter
Aug 21, 20172 min read
5 cosmetic ingredients that sound scary, but are totally innocent
We've often talked about the long list of scary chemicals found in most mass-produced bath and body care products, from lotions to soaps...

Nicole Salter
Aug 6, 20175 min read
How to Make Your Own Soap
Are you a DIY type who's wondering if there is an alternative to buying mass-produced skin care products full of synthetic chemicals and...
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